Hey there beautiful souls ✨,

Luz Esperanza is my name, which means light and hope. Light, love, compassion and hope are the biggest assets that I bring to the table. I hold space for all your spiritual needs.

A roller coaster of tower moments, a burnout and much more brought me to my knees years ago. That is the moment that my mystical shaman initiation started. After years of darkness, I did not see the light at the end of the tunnel any more, I felt there was no way out. At that moment, at my darkest, I decided to leave my profession in the laboratory and surrender to a deep and intense 30 day detox, from there on my life changed forever.

After a deep procession of heartbreak, anger and sadness, accompanied by lots of inner work, creative therapy, psychologist, psychiatrists, self energetic work, drinking my water, eating my veggies and deep state connection to Gaia, my ancestors, my supporting energies and the elements, I started to feel alive again. I started to feel my body and I finally saw the light.

Little by little I started to feel the gift of life through every part of my essence, bliss became my nature and peace of heart became my current state. I got out of my head and I was so happy to be alive, my inner child had healed.

A longing in my heart grew to be of service. I saw the need for support in my brothers, sisters, non-binary and everything in-between. So, with all the love in my heart, I promised devotion to mother earth and supporting the collective awakening and healthy evolution of humanity.

My goal is to help you wake up every day in the blissful gift of life. I want to support you in understanding that you are the creator of your reality. I want to support you in making your heart lighter and peaceful. I would love to help you understand how abundant you already are simply by being alive. I would love to assist you in creating healthy boundaries, building patience and resilience. I would love for you to be able to go through life with a blissful and happy smile on your face, grounded and blessed.

I wish you freedom, love, light and hope. Because that is your birth right, beautiful soul.

To me, you can come for readings, channellings (Reiki), soul regressions, soul retrievals, Energetic consultancy, mentorship, Emotional release, trauma processing and more. I find my way to your inner child very fast. Where is the energy not flowing yummy and why are the questions I ask myself.

Hereby you can think of topics like feminine/masculine energy integration, awakening of feminine energy, awakening of masculine energy, shadow/ego/light integration, mind/heart/body/soul integration, collective unconscious awareness, archetypes integration, alchemy, anchoring of ungrounded deep divers, PTSD awareness, soul retrievals/regressions, 7/9/12 chakra system activations, tapping into inner wisdom, tapping into psychic awareness, developing of psychic clairs, grounding with the elements/Gaia, grounding of third eye distortions (ghost, entities, etc...), alchemy, self-hypnosis reprogramming and more...

So make yourself a booking so that we can start to heal your heart, expand your consciousness and bliss in your life with me holding your hand.

If you would like more info, please book yourself a free discovery session.

Much love & blessings❤️

Luz Esperanza, the creator of Love Consciousness Tribe

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“One of the keys to our successful spiritual evolution lies in unlocking our deep state connection to our physical and emotional body.”

— Love Consciousness Tribe